
Poster: Getting insights into subsurface methanogenesis processes at lab scale within a CO2 Geological Storage and bioconversion context
AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, December  2020, online event

This presentation will highlight in particular a large French research project dealing with new experimental tools allowing for investigating the coupled mechanisms (i.e. thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, chemistry and biology) involved in such storage processes at the pore scale in lab environment. These new experimental devices are porous media designed inside high pressure / high temperature microfluidic reactors (micromodel or geological labs on chip – GloCs…


Communication : Extreme microbiology on a chip: introducing high pressure microfluidics for investigating deep microorganisms
Anaïs Cario, Emeline Vidal, Cyrielle Fauveau, Sandy Morais, Carole Lecoutre, Olivier Nguyen, Anthony Ranchou-Peyruse, Samuel Marre
Workshop « Microbes-on-chip » (online event) – October 30th 2020

In this presentation, we will first detail the interest of this technology and the different strategies developed to manufacture and use high-pressure microreactors. Then, we will present the use of on-chip biocompatible high pressure geological laboratories (BioGLoCs) for the culture and the study of methanogenic microorganisms living in deep geological environments…


Communication : Techniques d’échantillonnage, de culture et de caractérisation multi-échelles sans décompression pour étudier les micro-organismes issus des environnements profonds
Anaïs Cario and Samuel Marre
Forum Technologique des Hautes Pressions, Ile d’Oléron, France –  06/10/2020

Afin de conserver les conditions in situ, depuis le site d’échantillonnage jusqu’au laboratoire, nous avons développé des outils haute pression compatibles avec les échantillonneurs en océans profonds. Ces derniers permettent de réaliser des cultures microbiennes et d’effectuer un certain nombre de caractérisations sur des échantillons maintenus dans leurs conditions initiales d’échantillonnage, permettant d’éliminer plusieurs biais liés à la décompression. Ces nouveaux dispositifs…

Communication : Sapphire microfluidics : New tools for high pressure applications
Samuel Marre, Anaïs Cario, Cyrielle Fauveau, Carole Lecoutre, Olivier Nguyen, and Yves Garrabos
Forum Technologique des Hautes Pressions, Ile d’Oléron, France –  06/10/2020


Invited seminar: Investigating the deep biosphere at lab scale using extreme microfluidics
Anaïs CARIO, Emeline VIDAL, and Samuel MARRE
Invited seminar at IUEM/LM2E,  June 30th 2020, Plouzané, France


Invited seminar: Investigating hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in a CO2 valorization context
Emeline VIDAL, Anaïs Cario, Anthony Ranchou-Peyruse, and Samuel Marre
Invited seminar at IUEM/LM2E,  June 30th 2020, Plouzané, France

Communication : New tools to characterize the impact of microplastics on bathypelagic microbes at lab scale
Anaïs Cario and Samuel Marre
Workshop « Linking the life Cycle Inventory and Impact assessment of Marine Litter and Plastic Emissions », 18/03/2020 (online event)

Cette présentation a pour objectif d’introduire l’étude des interactions entre les micro/nano-plastiques et les micro-organismes indigènes de la biosphère profonde (zone bathypélagique). Bien qu’étant l’habitat aquatique le plus vaste de la planète, il est très mal caractérisé en terme de dispersion des micro-plastiques dans la colonne d’eau, en particulier leurs cinétiques de dégradation et de sédimentation, et leur interaction avec les colonies de micro-organismes autochtones. Dans ce contexte, notre projet d’étude propose un changement de paradigme pour amorcer ces études via l’utilisation des approches micro- et milli-fluidiques haute pression pour un criblage rapide des paramètres pertinents. La principale innovation concerne la caractérisation in situ, le suivi en temps réel à différentes pressions et la modélisation de la colonisation et de la dégradation des micro/nano-plastiques à différents étages de la zone bathypélagique ainsi que les effets biochimiques de ces éléments sur la biosphère profonde.


Poster: Investigating subsurface microbial metabolisms using high-pressure microfluidic tools
Anaïs Cario, Carole Lecoutre, Olivier Nguyen, Yves Garrabos and Samuel Marre
AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, December 9 – 13 , 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA

The deep biosphere represents the unseen majority of the total biosphere on Earth and has gained increasing attention given its significance in a variety of critical processes and topics (carbon cycle, origin of life, biomining, etc.). However, the complex sampling procedures on site result in small amounts of biological materials, while the samples analysis (cell-sorting, cultivation, and metabolisms determination) mostly requires depressurization, which could induce some uncontrolled bias during the investigations…


Communication : Etude de la bioconversion du CO2 stocké dans les aquifères salins profonds  par des approches microfluidiques
Anaïs CARIO, Emeline VIDAL, Cyrielle FAUVEAU, Sandy MORAIS, Carole LECOUTRE, Olivier NGUYEN, Yves GARRABOS et Samuel MARRE
Colloque «  Stockage géologique de gaz (CO2- H2- CH4 ) : processus et monitoring de site », 11/2019, Saint-Emilion, France.


Poster: Pore scale investigation of CO2 storage and bioconversion in deep saline aquifers using high pressure micromodels
Anaïs Cario, Cyrielle Fauveau, Maxence Perroux, Carole Lecoutre, Olivier Nguyen, Dominique Bernard, Yves Garrabos, Samuel Marre
Présentation affichée à l’AICHE, 10-15 Novembre 2019, Orlando, Floride, USA

CO2 geological storage in deep saline aquifers represents a mediation solution for reducing the anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This kind of storage required adequate scientific knowledge and tools at the pore scale to evaluate injection scenarios or to estimate reservoir capacity. In this context, high pressure / high temperature microfluidic reactors (micromodel or geological labs on chip – GloCs) turn out to be excellent tools…



Invited seminar : High pressure / High temperature Microfluidics Unique tools with multiple applications from Thermodynamics to HP Microbiology
Anaïs Cario et Samuel Marre
Workshop « Quels outils pour la biologie haute pression ? » à SOLEIL, Synchrotron, 10/2019, Saclay, France

High pressure microfluidic approaches offer new opportunities to study and characterize high pressure fluid processes (up to 500 bar). These approaches combine the microfluidic advantages (i.e. hydrodynamic control, fast screening, small volumes, in situ and online characterization, etc.) to fluid properties under high pressure and temperature conditions. Besides, microfluidic tools allow…


Communication : Approches microfluidiques haute pression pour étudier la bioconversion du CO2 dans les aquifères salins profonds
Anaïs Cario, Maxence PERROUX, Cyrielle FAUVEAU, Olivier NGUYEN, Carole LECOUTRE, Yves GARRABOS et Samuel MARRE
Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés à Nantes, 15/10/2019, France.

Parmi les différentes stratégies de capture, stockage et utilisation du CO2 (approches CCUS, « Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage »), le stockage géologique du CO2 dans les aquifères salins profonds représente une solution durable pour réduire les émissions anthropiques de CO2 dans l’atmosphère. Cependant, très peu de données sont disponibles concernant l’impact du stockage du CO2 sur la géochimie des aquifères salins ainsi que sur les communautés microbiennes indigènes. Par conséquence…


Invited seminar : HP/HT Microfluidic approaches for investigating extreme environments: understanding prebiotic chemistry and exploring Deep Biosphere microbial communities
Anaïs Cario,  Samuel Marre
Invited seminar at RPI (Renssealer Polytechnic Institute), October 3rd 2019, Troy, NY, USA

A majority of Earth’s prokaryotes reside in the deep biosphere where little is known about how inherent elevated pressures impact the underground geochemistry and the inhabiting microbial communities. Conventional cultivation and analysis techniques offer both limited optical access and in situ characterization, thus narrowing the ability to investigate deep subsurface microbial communities. High pressure microfluidic approaches offer…


Communication : Introducing high pressure microfluidic tools to study the deep biosphere
Anaïs Cario, Olivier Nguyen, Carole Lecoutre, Yves Garrabos and Samuel Marre
58th European High Pressure Research Group Conference, September 2nd 2019, Prague, Czech Republic

Over the last 10 years, a new field of investigation called « high pressure microfluidics » has gained increasing interest. It is based on the idea of combining the advantages of microfluidics (reduction in size, rapid screening, in situ analyses, reproducibility, hydrodynamic control, improvement of heat and mass transfers, low consumption of reagents during optimization phases, etc.) with fluid systems used under high-pressure (and high temperature) conditions. The development …


Poster: Apports de la microfluidique haute pression pour l’étude de la biosphère profonde
Anais Cario, Carole Lecoutre, Olivier Nguyen, Fabien Palencia & Samuel Marre
Ateliers Expérimentation et Instrumentation, 9 au 11 Juillet 2019, Lille (Polytech.), France

La majorité des micro-organismes vivant sur Terre réside dans des environnements profonds. A ce jour, peu de données sont disponibles concernant l’impact des hautes pressions, inhérentes à ces environnements, sur la géochimie et les communautés microbiennes associées. Les techniques classiques d’échantillonnage, de culture et d’analyses présentent des caractéristiques restreintes concernant i) la conservation et le transfert des échantillons en conditions de pression in situ, ii) un accès optique permettant la caractérisation in situ en pression et température et en temps réel. Ces contraintes réduisent significativement la possibilité d’études in situ et la fiabilité des analyses concernant les communautés microbiennes issues d’environnements profonds.

La microfluidique haute pression est une nouvelle approche…


Communication : Exploring CO2 geological storage mechanisms at the pore scale using microfluidics approaches
Anaïs Cario, Yves Garrabos, Carole Lecoutre, Samuel Marre*
17th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids EMSF, April 8-11th 2019, Ciudad Real, Spain

The recently developed Geological Labs on Chip (HP micromodels) have been confirmed as fast and accurate microfluidics tools to identify and quantify dissolved carbon dioxide in water and salted water, but also to study invasion mechanisms depending upon flow rates, porous medium characteristics and brine composition (in particular for studying carbonate precipitation and drying mechanisms). These approaches are proved viable in the laboratory, and can be used…


Communication : High pressure microfluidics: new tools for investigating the deep biosphere
Anaïs Cario, Carole Lecoutre, Olivier Nguyen, Yves Garrabos, Samuel Marre*
17th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids EMSF, April 8-11th 2019, Ciudad Real, Spain

Over the last 10 years, a new field of investigation called « high pressure microfluidics » has gained increasing interest. It is based on the idea of combining the advantages of microfluidics (reduction in size, rapid screening, in situ analyses, reproducibility, hydrodynamic control, improvement of heat and mass transfers, low consumption of reagents during optimization phases, etc.) with fluid systems used under high pressure (and high temperature) conditions. The development of this high pressure microfluidic technology has opened up many opportunities…


Invited communication : Le « laboratoire géologique sur puce » (GLOC) : de la thermodynamique à la biogéochimie, un outil pour l’étude des mécanismes géologiques à l’échelle du pore en conditions de haute pression
S. Marre
, A. Cario
IFPENDecember 6th 2018, Rueil Malmaison, France

Communication : Exploring the deep biosphere at small scales using High pressure microfluidic approaches
Cario A., Lecoutre C., Nguyen O., Bernard D., Garrabos Y., Marre S.
3e Journées Nationales Supercritiques, December 4-5th 2018, Toulouse, France

A majority of Earth’s prokaryotes resides in the deep biosphere where little is known about how inherent elevated pressures impact the underground geochemistry and the inhabiting microbial communities… 

Poster : Batch and microfluidic approaches for the H2 production evaluation in CO2/H2O media under pressure and temperature
Fauveau C.
, Aymonier C., Marre S.
3e Journées Nationales Supercritiques, December 4-5th 2018, Toulouse, France

this poster is combined with :

Poster : Investigating methanogenesis bioconversion of CO2 in geological conditions
Perroux M.,
Cario A., Ranchou-Peyruse A., Dupraz S., Marre S.
3e Journées Nationales Supercritiques, December 4-5th 2018, Toulouse, France

CO2 deep underground storage and biovalorization can be considered has a promising mitigation strategy to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In this context, the objective of ERC consolidator BIGMAC project is to use microfluidic tools to investigate the bioconversion of CO2 to CH4 by microorganisms in geological conditions. To achieve the conversion, hydrogen is an essential element… Deep saline aquifers have been considered as promising underground locations to store carbon dioxide. In these subsurface environments some microorganisms, called methanogens, are able to convert this greenhouse gas to methane. This metabolic reaction supports waste valorization into an energetic molecule, following: CO2 + 4 H2 -> CH4 + 2H2O…

Invited communication : Geological labs on chip for getting insights in underground processes at the pore scale: the example of CO2 geological storage and bioconversion
S. Marre
, A. Cario, C. Lecoutre, Y. Garrabos
LFC-R, Kick off meeting of the CO2ES chaireNovember 20th 2018, Pau, France

Invited communication : Microfluidique haute pression: De nouveaux outils pour l’étude et l’utilisation des fluides aux petites échelles
Cario A.
, Perroux M., Nguyen O., Lecoutre C., Garrabos Y., Marre S.
11ème Forum des Technologies Hautes pressions, September 2018,  Sète, France

Invited communication: Getting insights in underground processes at lab scale: The example of CO2 geological storage and bioconversion
Cario A.
, Lecoutre C., Nguyen O., Bernard D., Garrabos Y., Marre S.
2018 Taiwan-France Bilateral Symposium on CCSU Technologies, September 16-19th 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Among the various Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) strategies, CO2 geological storage in deep saline aquifers represents a viable mediation solution for reducing the anthropogenic CO2 emissions. So far, little is known about both the CO2 storage impact on the underground geochemistry and on the microbial diversity inhabiting deep aquifers

Summer school : Microfluidic approaches for evaluating H2 production in CO2/water media
Fauveau C.
, Aymonier C., Marre S.
Summer school, June 24-29th 2018, Trondheim, Norvège

ERC BIGMAC project uses microfluidic tools to study the bioconversion of CO2 in geological environments by methanogenesis. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate the in situ hydrogen production through iron corrosion in multiphasic CO2/water media under pressure and temperature...

Invited communication : Supercritical Microfluidics
Marre S.

NTNUJune 2018, Trondheim, Norvège

Communication : Investigating underground CO2 storage in porous media using Geological labs on chip
Anaïs Cario
, Abdou Khadre Diouf,  Carole Lecoutre, Olivier Nguyen, Dominique Bernard, Yves Garrabos, Samuel Marre
Interpore 10th Annual Meeting and jubilee, May 14 – 17th 2018, New-Orleans, USA

Communication : Geological labs on chip: investigating deep underground processes under pressure at microscale
S. Marre, A. Cario, C. Fauveau, A. Kh. Diouf,  C. Lecoutre, O. Nguyen, D. Bernard,  Y. Garrabos
12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, April 22-25th, 2018, Antibes-Juan les Pins, France

Communication : The BIGMAC project : Microfluidic approaches mimicking biogeological conditions to investigate CO2 subsurface recycling
S. Marre
Kick off Meeting of the BIGMAC ERC project, March 28-29th, 2018, Bordeaux, France

Communication and poster : Microfluidics approaches for methanogenesis from CO2 in geological conditions
Perroux M., Marre S., Dupraz S., Cario A.
Kick off Meeting of the BIGMAC ERC project, March 28-29th, 2018, Bordeaux, France

Communication and poster : Microfluidic approaches for evaluating the hydrogen production in multiphasic CO2/water media in geological conditions
Fauveau C., Aymonier C. et Marre S.
Kick off Meeting of the BIGMAC ERC project, March 28-29th, 2018, Bordeaux, France

Communication : High Pressure microbiologist, role in the BIGMAC project
Cario A.
Kick off Meeting of the BIGMAC ERC project, March 28-29th, 2018, Bordeaux, France

Invited Communication : Working with harsh conditions at microscale: tools and applications
Marre S.
Universitat Rovira I VirgiliFebruary 2018, Taragona, Spain

Communication : Investigating underground CO2 storage in porous media using geological labs on chip
S. Marre
µFlu’ 2018 – 5th European conference on Microfluidics, March 2018, Strasbourg, France